I did not receive an e-mail with my password.
If you do not receive an e-mail with your password after registering, please check your spam folder. In the past, there were technical difficulties with gmail-addresses, if possible you should try with another provider. If there is no e-mail, please contact us at tanzplan[at] or +49 (0) 40 / 270 949 – 45

I have technical difficulties with the application. What can I do?
If you experience any technical difficulties (e.g. unable to upload videos), please try to open the application form in another browser (i.e. firefox). If this does not solve the issue, please contact us at tanzplan[at] or +49 (0) 40 / 270 949 – 45

Is K3 accessible and can accessibility costs be covered as part of the residency?
K3 is working on its accessibility on and off stage. You can find more info on this here. Two studios are accessible by wheelchair, one studio and the offices are only accessible by stairs. The time and work load during the residency are self-organised and can be adapted to you. In most cases, it should be possible to cover accessibility costs during the residency after consulting with K3. The team of K3 is prepared to help you organise the residency, travel, accommodation etc. If you wish, you can state your needs in the last part of the application form in the section “remarks”. If you need to apply in a different format (i.e. audio file, video) then the form provided or need help in navigating or translating the application form, please contact us at tanzplan[at] or +49 (0) 40 / 270 949 – 45

I have children or need to care for others, how can I combine this with the residency?

We promote professional equality for people of all genders and the compatibility of family and work. Most of the work at K3 is self organised and can be adapted to the choreographer’s schedule or care work obligations. Even though we cannot provide child care, K3 can help in finding a suitable daycare. K3 tries to support additional costs for care (i.e. children or next of kin).

Can I apply as a duo/team?
The residency programme at K3 is made for individual choreographers, therefore it is not possible to apply as a team. It is possible to invite collaborators for short amounts of time and to work with a team for the final production, most of the time will be spent alone though.

Will dancers be provided by K3?
No, dancers will not be provided by K3. There is a limited production budget with which dancers and other collaborators can be paid.

What does the monthly stipend cover?
The monthly stipend covers the costs of living and accommodation in Hamburg. In the season 23/24 it was €2250. At this point in time, we are not yet able to give the exact amount of the scholarship for the 25/26 season. 

What does the production budget cover?
The exact budget has not been defined yet. Usually, it covers the artistic fees of a team of around 3-5 people working in Hamburg for 4-8 weeks as well as material costs for stage and costumes, travel and accommodation. The budget can be spent throughout the eight months of the residency but the premiere will happen in March. The team can consist of dancers, designers, musicians etc. and can be selected by the choreographers in consultation with K3.

Is there an age limit for choreographers to apply?
There is no age limit but K3 is looking for choreographers at the beginning of their careers as choreographers. Artists who have previously worked as dancers or in other fields and have only recently started to develop their own choreographies are welcome to apply.

What do you mean by “choreographers at the beginning of their careers”?
We expect the choreographers to have completed their own full-length works outside of an educational context. Usually you should have around 2-5 own choreographies and therefore have experience in implementing and producing your own work (on stage or in other choreographic formats).

What kind of videos are required to apply?

You can share up to four video links during the application process of your past choreographic works. The videos should be of your own choreographies (i.e. documentation of your pieces or video works). The videos should not be showreels, trailers or compilations but full length recordings/documentations.

Is the call for application limited to Germany/Europe?
No, K3 welcomes applications from all countries and regions. K3 will help with Visa-applications and other administrative processes (e.g. health insurance) if applicable. People from marginalised communities are encouraged to apply.

Is a professional dance/choreography education required?
No, a professional education is not required. But Choreographers should have produced some choreographic works of their own.

Is accommodation provided by K3?
No, accommodation is not provided by K3 but a monthly stipend which covers the cost of living and accommodation in Hamburg.

Can I apply for other funding/residencies/programmes during the time of the residency?
K3 expects the choreographers-in-residence to be present in Hamburg during the eight months. After consultation with K3, it is possible to give/take workshops or have a performance in other places, longer absences from Hamburg are not possible. Additional funding or coproduction fees for the final production are possible but not necessary. 

How is the selection made? When will I hear back about my application?
K3 receives a lot of applications and it takes multiple months to come to a decision. The applications are examined by the K3 team and an external committee in a multi-tier selection process. In the first round, only the short description, short bio and videos will be considered, after which you will be informed about the results of the first round. The first selection is made by the K3 team and external advisors. Selected candidates are invited to write an extended application in September. This consists of motivation, project description and structure. In the second round, the applications are reviewed by an external board of advisors before a short list of candidates is invited for interviews via zoom. Both the provided videos as well as the project description will be evaluated for, among other things, artistic quality, (political and artistic) relevance, feasibility and sustainability, as well as their fit to the K3 residency programme. Due to the number of applicants we cannot give individual feedback. The final decision is expected to be made by the end of the year.

I missed the deadline, can I still apply later?
No. Unfortunately, the deadline cannot be extended.