Luísa Saraiva
has an M.A. in psychology from the University of Porto and a B. A. dance from Folkwang University of Arts. Her work Hochwasser was selected for Danse Élargie Seoul Edition in 2016. In 2017 she was a scholar of the 1-year program for Artistic Individual Development from the MKW of NRW. As a part of her research she collaborated with Lea Letzel in the creation A Concert, with which they won the NRW Kultursekretariat prize Ground Support in 2018.
Her research for the residency focuses primarily on the relationship between movement and language as simultaneous meaning-making processes. There is an interest in reading and interpreting movement through the use of sung, spoken and written language and on the development of a speaking, thinking body. She will take as a departure point Henry Purcell’s work Hail! Bright Cecilia and use it as a physical score to explore a sonic approach to bodily presence.
(Status: 2019)
Origin: Portugal