Jenny Beyer
SUITE (6+)
Would you like to take a school class to see the production? Contact us at
We are also happy to offer an after performance activities programme, such as movement workshops or guided tours of the theatre.
Music tickles your legs and shakes your bellies. Music makes people jump, stomp, sway and spin. Music finds the ears, flows through the body, fills it up to the tips of our hair. Music is loud and soft. Music is there, even when it’s gone. Music is fast. Music is slow. Our bodies dance with music, to music. Our bodies dance without music. Our bodies make music. In Suite, two dancers and a cellist invite children to experience, dance and enjoy music together. They open themselves to the stories, images and emotions that music can trigger in the dancing body. What is being played are Johann Sebastian Bach’s famous cello suites. What do you hear when you move? How do you move when you hear?
choreography: Jenny Beyer
dance: Jenny Beyer, Joel Donald Small
cellist: Lea Tessmann
dramaturgy: Anne Kersting
sound design: Jetzmann
costume design: Gloria Brillowska
stage design: Marian Regdosz
artsistic assistance: Mara Nitz
mentoring: Alfredo Zinola
For whom
everyone from 6 years
15€ | 9€ | children 5€
Kampnagel - K1
The performances takes place in the framework of explore dance – network dance for young audience.
Funded by:
Supported by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne.
Jenny Beyer
She began working as a freelance dancer in the Netherlands in 2002, where she also produced her first own choreographic pieces. In 2007, she was resident choreographer at K3. Her pieces have toured internationally and been presented e.g. at the Spring Dance Festival/Utrecht, Impulstanz/Vienna, Sophiensaele Berlin and at the Dampfzentrale Bern. She is a co-founder of the artist initiative Sweet&Tender Collaborations and in summer 2010 initiated together with K3 the Sweet &Tender project Treffen Total. At Kampnagel, she has produced e.g. III (2010), WALZ'R (2011) and the duet HAUT (2012).
(Status: 2018)
For whom
everyone from 6 years
15€ | 9€ | children 5€
Kampnagel - K1
The performances takes place in the framework of explore dance – network dance for young audience.
Funded by:
Supported by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne.